Tim Just, CLO columnist
The world chess organization recently published its own set of online chess rules, including new rules for Hybrid Chess competitions.Read More »
2005 World Youth Championship U.S. Delegation
The 2005 sixth-place Team USA featured a lineup of players poised to become tomorrow's national championship contenders.Read More »
FIDE World Online Championships Cadets and Youth 2020
The U.S. players will play in a final knockout bracket for the online world championship event, starting December 19.Read More »
The FIDE Trainers' Commission (TRG) is organizing an online FIDE Trainer seminar in English to be held from May 29-31, 2020. Attendance is open to… Read More »
Make sure you add #PodcastTuesday to your calendar, especially during this time when many of us are practicing social distancing. Every… Read More »
US Chess is announcing a revised fee structure for the cost of submitting FIDE rated events for rating. These fees are in addition to the regular… Read More »
US Chess Executive Director Carol Meyer reports from Abu Dhabi:  US Chess is participating in the FIDE Extraordinary General Assembly (EGA… Read More »
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