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Emanuel London has been hired as our new IT Project Manager/Developer. Emanuel will be overseeing the next phase of infrastructure development at US… Read More »
With only one decisive game in the ninth round of the 2022 U.S. Open Championship, the standings remained relatively constant despite lots of action… Read More »
The eighth round of the 2022 U.S. Championships saw the action calm down a bit in the Open Championship, with only two decisive games, while the… Read More »
A wild day of exciting games characterized the seventh round of the 2022 U.S. Championships. In the Open Championship there were four decisive… Read More »
With apologies to GM Yasser Seirawan.Read More »
The excitement continued unabated in St. Louis on Sunday as the players passed the first third of the U.S. Championships. The fight for first will...… Read More »
For the October edition of One Move at a Time, US Chess Senior Director of Strategic Communication Dan Lucas sits down with Michael Tisserand to...… Read More »
US Chess believes that everyone has a seat at the chess table.Read More »
After the upsets saturating the first three rounds of the 2022 U.S. Championships, Saturday’s fourth round seemed like a quiet return to normalcy… Read More »
The online US Chess Girls Club is back! Enjoy a recording of a session by US Chess expert and successful businesswoman Darrian Robinson, and find...… Read More »
