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Tata Steel Chess India, now in its fourth year of rapid and blitz, shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. Indeed, the Kolkata tournament...… Read More »
For this very prestigious edition of the Wednesday Workout, all tactics are selected from the recent-concluded Mr. Dodgy Invitational. With games all… Read More »
It started as a joke. Then, in 2020, it became an online eight-player Round Robin with only one prize. The prize was a picture of a man on a horse...… Read More »
This month, Tim takes questions from readers on a variety of topics ranging from claiming wins on times, how to claim a draw by repetition, and when… Read More »
Welcome to the annual miniatures column! In the past, this column has recognized any games that lasted no more than 20 moves to be miniatures. I am… Read More »
Thank you to everyone who contributed to our #GivingTuesday initiative this week. Because of you, we raised more than $8,000 in funds that will help… Read More »
Find out what Pete and Gopal give “Chess Thanks” for on this edition of the Chess Underground. From the mundane and obvious to the deep and pseudo...… Read More »
The US Chess Nominating Committee (Committee) has completed its work for the 2023 US Chess Executive Board election. The Committee recommends the...… Read More »
To express our gratitude for a successful Giving Tuesday, we at US Chess have decided to show off some of the kindest gifts that our staff have given… Read More »
US Chess is proud to be a part of this global celebration of giving that empowers people and organizations to transform their communities and the...… Read More »
