In the News

The U.S. Open is one of America’s most prestigious events, and tomorrow we’ll have our winner! With seven players tied for first, this tournament… Read More »
With the merge of the sections after round six came a logjam at the top of the standings with no fewer than seven players tied at the top, but Round… Read More »
“One tournament, three schedules” is finally ready to become, simply, “one tournament.” After six days at Grand Rapids, the “traditional” schedule is… Read More »
Imagine a room the size of the movie theater, but bigger. From the front of the room rolls down a giant projector, where real-time chess action of… Read More »
Charlotte is the most populous city in North Carolina, well known for its NFL, NBA, and MLS professional sports teams. However, in recent times...… Read More »
Writers, columnists, photographers and analysts from US Chess had much to celebrate at the annual Chess Journalists of America (CJA) meeting on… Read More »
The U.S. Open has officially entered the home stretch after day five in Grand Rapids. With three rounds done in the six-day schedule and the...Read… Read More »
Have you been following our daily reports from the U.S. Open? If so, you might recognize some (but not all!) of this week's puzzles, which are all...… Read More »
Day four of the U.S. Open saw the end of the invitational tournaments, the first master-on-master match-ups of the traditional open schedule, and the… Read More »
Through August 7, most of the US Chess staff is going to be working in some capacity at the U.S. Open in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Accordingly, our...… Read More »
