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Tata Steel Chess (January 11-27) is currently underway in Wijk aan Zee, The Netherlands, with both World Champion Magnus Carlsen, and U.S. Champion… Read More »
A limited amount of space is now available in our tournament program books for the three US Chess spring national championships: 2019 National High… Read More »
Welcome to the January 2019 edition of “One Move at a Time,” the US Chess podcast in which we talk to people and organizations that are advancing the… Read More »
Jack Collins Living Room Set, date unknown Photograph by Michael DeFilippo Courtesy of the World Chess Hall of Fame An article about the John Collins… Read More »
IM Greg Shahade, Photo Eric Rosen at 2018 PRO Chess League finals The PRO Chess League begins January 8th on, and this year will again...… Read More »
GM Bai Jinshi The 28th Annual North American Open, with a guaranteed $120,000 prize fund drew 817 players, up from 2017’s 802 turnout, to Bally’s in… Read More »
Webster University chess team, Photo David Llada A big roster of stars is a blessing in any sports team. The Pan American Intercollegiate...Read More…
The January 2019 edition of “Cover Stories with Chess Life” is now available! This monthly podcast, hosted by Senior Director of Strategic...Read… Read More »
Webster Wins Again! Photo David Llada Congrats to Webster University on their seventh straight victory at the Pan-American Intercollegiate Chess...… Read More »
The 230-player Pan-American Intercollegiate Team Chess Championship in San Francisco continues to run with an efficiency that permits the drama to...… Read More »
