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SAINT LOUIS (Feb 21, 2019)—A new chess history exhibition, US Chess: 80 Years—Promoting the Royal Game in America, will open at the World Chess Hall… Read More »
Contact: Pete Karagianis US Chess Assistant Director of Events The US Chess Federation is pleased to announce the list of… Read More »
The chess never seems to end in St. Louis. Last week saw a dramatic finish to the inaugural Cairns Cup, which is set to become the premier Women’s...… Read More »
This week's Wednesday Workout comes to us from GM Joel Benjamin's new book, Better Thinking, Better Chess. A full review of the book will appear in… Read More »
The conclusion of the US Amateur Team West Championship held in Santa Clara, California ended in dramatic fashion, featuring the chess version of the… Read More »
In the second episode of Ladies Knight, Jennifer talks to Adia Onyango aka “chess traveler” about Adia’s favorite places to combine chess and travel… Read More »
Tim Just, Chief Editor of the 5th, 6th, and new 7th edition of the rule book. In this month's, "Just The Rules" column, I asked organizers, TDs and… Read More »
The U. S. Amateur Team West Championship is underway in Santa Clara, California, directly across the street from Levi’s Stadium, home of the San...… Read More »
Contact: Pete Karagianis US Chess Director of Events The US Chess Federation is pleased to announce that twelve players… Read More »
GM Valentina Gunina is the clear winner of the 2019 Cairns Cup with 7/9 points. She drew a topsy-turvy game against runner-up GM Alexandra Kosteniuk… Read More »
