In the News

This week's Wednesday Workout concludes our series on tactics from the 2024 American Cup. Be sure to check out last week's worksheet, as well as our… Read More »
The final round before the first rest day in the 2024 FIDE Candidates and Women’s Candidates saw each section take a very different path to the same… Read More »
This week's Tactics Tuesday continues the Chess Life Kids Opening Project as we take a look at tactical themes in the French Exchange variation...… Read More »
After seven rounds in Baltimore, Maryland, Ohio senior IM Jason Wang is the 2024 National High School (K-12) Champion. Our flash report covers more… Read More »
This is a flash report from the 2024 National High School (K-12) Chess Championship. A full report of the final day of games is available here. The… Read More »
As the players head into the final round before the first rest day, it’s anybody’s guess what will happen. Round three did not deliver as many...Read… Read More »
With the notoriously grueling "triple round" day in the books, the 2024 High School (K-12) Nationals turns the corner into the home stretch in...Read… Read More »
US Chess Federation (US Chess) and the US Chess Trust, both independent 501(c)(3) organizations, are pleased to announce seven recipients of the 2024… Read More »
Editor's note: This story first appeared in the April 2024 issue of Chess Life Magazine. A pdf is available courtesy of US Chess. Consider becoming a… Read More »
While yesterday's round saw only one decisive result despite a number of well-prepared, hard-fought battles, today saw the results better reflect the… Read More »
