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IM Dorsa Derakhshani will speak to our ZOOM girls club on August 27th at 6 PM EDT about the "Power of Preparation."Read More »
Check out a video of a lesson Women's Program Director Jen Shahade gave to Kenya Chess Girls, as part of a cross-cultural program that will teach...… Read More »
US Chess has learned of the passing of GM Miron Sher. A very strong player in his own right, Sher is best known for his coaching, having worked with… Read More »
The Tournament Director Certification Rules were recently updated to clarify that most categories need to be "over-the-board" events and to add...… Read More »
Note the date change for submission of materials!Read More »
David Hater has the results from the 2020 World Open, played entirely online. GMs Iniyan and Sjurgirov shared first place.Read More »
This week's “The TD Show” topic will be "Chapter 10, Rules for Online Tournaments and Matches" and will air at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific on Thursday...… Read More »
US Chess Delegates approved new rules for online play at the August Special Delegates Meeting. Tim Just gives you a quick guide.Read More »
Grandmaster and seven-time US Women's Champion Irina Krush will be leading our August 20th ZOOM girls club at 6 PM EDT, where she'll go over some of… Read More »
US Chess writers, columnists, photographers, and videographers took home the lion’s share of awards presented by the Chess Journalists of America (… Read More »
