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Transformative gift creates four new events and enhances existing ones US Chess is pleased to announce that John D. Rockefeller V has donated three… Read More »
American GMs Hikaru Nakamura and Wesley So join World Champion Magnus Carlsen for his series of monthly online super events.Read More »
UPDATE 2:15 PM CT: The problem has been resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience. ================ We are aware of the problem with our… Read More »
In a special edition of Ladies Knight, Jennifer Shahade talks about the Queen's Gambit by Walter Tevis, and compares the book to the series by… Read More »
A young Bobby Fischer's legendary game made a slow spread through Chess Life and the world in 1956.Read More »
The US Championship Online Qualifier kicks off this weekend on The first weekend will feature the U1600 and 1601-2000 qualifier sections… Read More »
The US Chess Executive Board (EB) has approved the following temporary change to national event bidding procedures. Prospective organizers may submit… Read More »
Dear chess friends: When one of our members has a good idea, we take it seriously. Tweeting on October 31 – Halloween Day! – National Master Han… Read More »
Traditionally held at the Mechanics’ Institute in downtown San Francisco, the Tuesday Night Marathon is unquestionably the longest running weekly...… Read More »
Would you like a chance to play in the 2021 U.S. Championship? US Chess has partnered with to offer the opportunity for precisely that. The… Read More »
