In the News

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FunMasterMike, the face and voice of chesskid, will be hosting a chess tactics trivia competition for our US Chess Girls Club on March 25th.Read More…
The US Chess Champion stumbled in the semifinals against eventual winner Giri, then dropped the third-place match to the World Champion.Read More »
US Chess is announcing a revised fee structure for the cost of submitting FIDE rated events for rating. These fees are in addition to the regular...… Read More »
From inspiring panels to empowering messages to celebratory events, International Women’s Day (IWD) is commemorated in countless ways. At Her Move...… Read More »
GM Mikhail Antipov earned bronze in the Open and IM Olga Badelka brought home silver in the Women's Championship. WIM Alicja Sliwicka from UT-RGV… Read More »
Spring is a time for renewal: birds, flowers, trees—even chess! Our timeless game has found new ways to engage people in recent times. Be part of… Read More »
US Chess is excited to announce a new, entry level US Chess rated correspondence chess (CC) event, to be held on the International Correspondence...… Read More »
Fifty years ago, history's greatest American chess player had begun his march to the World Chess Championship - and he almost missed the first step.… Read More »
Last month, all active US Chess Life Members should have received a letter from us asking them to review and update their member information, contact… Read More »
The Champions Chess Tour's second "Major" event offers an increased $220,000 prize fund and an invitation to the tour finale in September.Read More »
