"Where's my magazine?!"

By John Hartmann |  October 1, 2022  |   News
October 2022 Chess Life cover

We've been getting a number of emails asking the same question:

"Where's my magazine?"

The August and September issues of Chess Life have arrived very late in the month. In the case of September, they're likely still arriving in mailboxes as I type these words.

Why? What's going on?

There's no one simple answer, but at the end of the day, we have suffered a combination of internal and external production delays that have resulted in late delivery of the magazine. An especially challenging external delay is that there is still a COVID-related paper shortage making it difficult for our print plant to keep to schedules.

The scheduled in-home date for the September issue is 9/29-10/4. Some people (like your author) have received their copies, while others may still be waiting. We understand that this is not ideal, and that some of you may be frustrated. And we're frustrated too.

This is one of the reasons that we've been working hard behind the scenes to remedy the situation. October delivery should be better, but how much better, we're not sure. At time of writing we have not gotten an in-home date from the printer, but we do expect it to be earlier than September's delivery. And delivery of November (and following) should be progressively improved.

We appreciate your patience as we work through this. Don't forget that members can always read the digital copies of the magazine on uschess.org!

-- John Hartmann, editor, Chess Life
