US Chess Oral History Project

Oral History Project launch for article

Share your Story

The US Chess Federation wants to hear your story. With 85 years of organizational history, there are so many  stories to tell! And we need your help. The US Chess Oral History Project is a chance to collect the stories of your chess life in your own words. These stories will be preserved in a beautiful book and in a digital archive that celebrates US Chess' impact on your life and the person you are today. As of June 24, over 4,000 people have already shared their oral histories with us!

You may receive an email, postcard and phone call from a company called Publishing Concepts (PCI) asking for some personal information and a story about your chess history. This is called the US Chess Oral History Project and it is a legitimate partnership between PCI and the US Chess Federation. PCI will also be verifying your member information to make sure we have accurate records. As of June 24, we have made over 7,500 updates and corrections to our membership database as a direct result of your responses!

UPDATE 3, July 2:

The latest email blast was released today. It will look lilke this:

07.02.2024 PCI email

UPDATE 2, June 24:

Please be aware that after you share your story, you will be provided with an opportunity to buy project merchandise and the print or digital version of the book. You are under no obligation to make any purchase. Your shared story will still remain part of our US Chess oral history for decades to come even without a purchase. There are three pricing tiers should you decide to make a purchase:

Loyalty Package $449.98 + $39.98 shipping and handling (S&H) and includes the Print Book, Digital Publication, T-shirt, Sweatshirt & Travel bag. 

Pride Package $349.98 + $29.98 S&H and includes the Book, Digital Publication, T-shirt & Sweatshirt.

Book Only in either hardbound or digital format:

  • Hardbound Directory $169.98 + $19.98 S&H
  • Digital Publication $169.98 + $0.00 S&H

Please click here to see the merchandise offerings. 

The second postcard from PCI will start arriving in mailboxes on Tuesday, June 25. It will look similar to this:


Postcard 2 front


Postcard 2, back

UPDATE 1, June 17: The first email was sent on June 17. The subject line is: Verification for US Chess Members

The top portion of the email looks like this:

PCI email

PCI Partnership

US Chess has partnered with PCI (also known as Publishing Concepts, Inc.) to produce an Oral History Publication for our organization. PCI is a family-owned business based in Dallas, Texas that has published directories for educational institutions, fraternities, sororities and military organizations across the nation for over 100 years. This project allows us to hear about your personal experiences as a US Chess member and how it helped to shape your life. While the PCI representative has you on the phone, we will want to make sure your contact information on file with US Chess is up to date.

Please note, PCI is committed to protecting your information. The names, addresses and information provided to PCI for the publication of the US Chess Oral History Project will be held confidential by PCI, except to the extent that they are utilized in, or in the preparation of, the US Chess Oral History Project and except as required by court order or law.

It is important to note that PCI is facilitating this project at no cost to US Chess. During the call, PCI will offer you the opportunity to purchase the US Chess Oral History Book, in addition to other US Chess-branded merchandise exclusive to this project. However, we emphasize that your participation is entirely voluntary, and there is no obligation to make any purchases whether you shared your story or not. Making a book purchase does guarantee your story is included in the book, though a select few stories from members who do not make the purchase will still be included. But all shared stories will remain an essential part of this meaningful project as US Chess will be provided with a complete audio digital archive. However, you will further benefit US Chess by making the purchase as we will receive a $10 royalty per order.

What do you do?

STARTING JUNE 17, tell us your story! Call the dedicated US Chess Update Line at 877.488.3840 to speak to a PCI representative to share your story. PCI will later send you a personalized link for you to share a photo if you wish.

Your Story:

So, what US Chess story will you share?

  • Did you start playing as part of the Fischer boom?
  • Did a special chess coach or teacher have a profound impact on your life?
  • Did chess impact your family life?
  • Did you meet your spouse because of chess?
  • Did you make a lifelong friend because of chess?
  • Have you made a career in chess, as either a player or coach?
  • Anything at all about your life in chess that you think will be of interest!

If you have questions, please contact Senior Director of Strategic Communication Dan Lucas
