US Chess Final Statement About Alejandro Ramirez Investigation

US Chess launched an investigation in late 2022 when it received formal complaints from two 
individuals alleging sexual misconduct by GM Alejandro Ramirez. The primary focus of this 
investigation was to determine when US Chess had knowledge of the various allegations and what 
responsive actions US Chess took. The third party, independent investigation is complete, and, 
based on the information received, the third party concluded that the US Chess response was timely and appropriate regarding the reports it received about Ramirez’s conduct. Our focus now is 
implementing specific action steps to build a safe, welcoming environment for the future. The 
investigation report will not be released due to the confidential nature of the witness statements.

First, as a result of the investigation, the Executive Board has voted to both ratify the 
resignation of GM Ramirez and permanently ban GM Ramirez from being a US Chess member.

Second, US Chess is committed to zero-tolerance of sexual and other similar misconduct by anyone 
within the organization or participating at US Chess sanctioned events. To that end, in 2019 US 
Chess created and implemented the “Guidelines on Safe Play and Conduct at US Chess National Events” (Safe Play) to provide additional guidance about unacceptable behavior not covered by existing policies within US Chess. We will continue to focus on change based on feedback we receive from the public and the chess community, as well as from existing best practices found in other 

Moving forward, we are committed to taking the following steps:

  • Revise and extend Safe Play policies to all US Chess sanctioned events.
  • Adopt membership agreements that require affiliates and individuals to comply with all US Chess  policies, including those related to Safe Play and the Code of Ethics.
  • Review all internal policies and procedures such as coach selection processes and employment practices contained in the Employee Handbook.
  • Adopt a training and education program around Safe Play. The training will be a required element  for Tournament Director certification at various levels.
  • Develop event communications outlining the Safe Play Guidelines and Code of Ethics, specifically identifying prohibited conduct and appointing a contact person for complaints and concerns (which will be specific to each event).
  • Provide resources for minors regarding behavioral expectations, as well as review our current background screening policies to determine whether and what restrictions to impose on prospective or existing coaches and tournament staff with a record of, for example, crimes involving minors, sexual assaults, and similar offenses.
  • Appoint an advisory group to assist with evolving and implementing changes identified by the independent investigation.
  • Ensure our members are aware of resources available to them, including the anonymous abuse email and hotline for reporting concerns or complaints.

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