US Chess Announces Program to Support School Chess Team Attendance at 2023 Spring Nationals

At Risk Youth Poster

Coming off this weekend’s K-12 Grade Nationals Championship record-breaking attendance, US Chess is pleased to announce a new program to support Affiliates serving Title I Schools. The program will provide financial support to eligible Title I Schools for participating in US Chess-run National Scholastic Events. Requests for both full and partial support applications will be considered. 

Piloted at the 2022 High School Championship, US Chess sponsored a 21-player team who experienced the thrill of competition, meeting peers from across the country, and for many, leaving the familiarity of their home city for the first time. The players learned new things about their game, themselves, and grew in ways unimagined before attending the event. You can hear about the experiences of some of the players on YouTube. 

This program is part of US Chess’ focus on at-risk youth and the recognition that barriers exist to participating in national events.



  • Current US Chess Affiliate
  • Affiliate must be a 501(c)(3) or a Public School
  • Affiliate must be serving a Title I School or the Title I School itself must be an Affiliate
  • Affiliate may only submit one application per academic year
  • Completed application submitted by the deadline 

Selection Criteria

  • Team’s dedication to study of the game
  • Team’s participation in local and regional rated tournaments
  • Level of support requested
  • Team’s statement of impact


Complete the required application by January 20, 2023, 6 pm ET. Selections will be announced by February 3, 2023. Questions can be directed to Click here to show email address.

 To make a donation to support our At-Risk Youth program, please click here.
