Largest Pan-Ams in 30 Years Underway in New Orleans

The largest Pan-American Championships in over 30 years are currently underway in the New Orleans area from December 27-30.  60 teams are competing, including a new powerhouse from Saint Louis University. Find some photos from the first day of festivities, live games and play and look for more reportage from Al Lawrence of the US Chess Trust this week.
PatialCrowd Some of the 60 teams waiting to make their first move
Webster GMLiem Webster still top-rated with GMs Le Quang Liem and Ray Robson on top two boards.
TexTechWomen Texas Tech’s all-woman team: WIM Iryna Andrenko, WIM Carla Heredia Serrano, WCM Claudia Munoz, and “Iffy” Ihemebir
ReceptionAnaniadis Last year’s PanAms organizer Constantine Ananiadis of Oberlin College with students at this year’s reception.
JazzBandReception Four piece jazz band celebrates New Orleans at reception for PanAm teams
IceCarvingReception Ice carving braves near-80 temperature at New Orleans kick-off
