Just the Rules: Rulebook Reality - No TD Needed

just the Rules by Tim Just

Without TDs (tournament directors) chess events would be a mess. Someone has to process those entries—though organizers (often the TD) can also crank those out. Who is responsible for the pairings? The TD—now-a-days that would include some help from tournament pairings software. You can also count on the TD to manage recording all of those wins, losses, draws, forfeits, withdrawals, and byes PLUS report them all to US Chess. Paperwork is their bread and butter.

Small stuff like board numbers would go undone if not for the TD/organizer. Providing you with an enjoyable past time falls within their job description.

When TDs get together, they relate stories about their problem-solving skills to each other; i.e., unraveling those real-world rulebook puzzles that pop up in the tournament room. Helping players with games that need a referee is a source of pride and joy for tournament officials. They love to brag about their prowess as problem solvers. But most games don’t need any rulebook assistance at all. Why? In the real world, wood pushers typically resolve rules issues by themselves—no TD needed.


1. Your king is sitting on d1. Your opponent slides their rook to d8—check! Your monarch moves to a new home on e1. His rook slides to a brand-new attack square--e8. Your royal highness is in check again. Your king goes back to d1 to escape the check. His rook travels back to d8, delivering another check. This king-rook dance continues on and on and on. Your opponent claims a draw by perpetual check. You agree—no TD was needed.

Tim Just says: There are no perpetual check or repetition of moves rules. The correct claim would have been “Triple occurrence of position.” In this instance the players agreed to a draw without any TD involvement—despite the inaccurate rulebook wording claim. They understood the idea behind the rule. Besides, draw claims are also draw offers.


2. It is your move. There are only moments left on the game clock for both of you—time trouble indeed. A delay of 10 seconds is built into each move before the clock starts the playing time diet. Pieces get slammed down. A game of “bang the clock” continues—mostly during those 10 seconds of delay time. The small amount of unused playing time, for both combatants, appears to be almost frozen—unused. The air is filled with tension. Neither chess general seems to have an advantage. On your turn you offer up one word, instead of a move—“draw?” Your opponent agrees.

TJ says: No TD was needed. The exact language in the rule says that you should make your move before offering a draw. Your opponent could have asked you to do that. Instead, the two of you agreed to split the point on your own.

3. You have the only queen on the board. Your forces are descending on your opponent's position. Every calculation proves that the enemy king will succumb in the upcoming skirmish. Your adversary throws in the towel—he resigns. After he tips his monarch over, he offers to shake hands. The game is finished. No TD was required.

TJ says: This example is probably the one that needs a TD the least. It is the one that takes place most often at a tournament.

4. According to his clock your opponent’s thinking time disappears. You hear yourself speak the inevitable, “Flag,” as you stop the clocks. The game is over, and you both know it. There is no confusion or rule bending going on. The two of you exchange pleasantries and then head out to analyze the game—outside of the tournament room, of course. The match’s end is reported. No TD is needed.

TJ says: When would a TD get involved in a game ender like this? (1) Your opponent makes a claim that the flag has not fallen. (2) Or, that the clock was set wrong. (3) Or, that he checkmated you before the flag fell. (4) Or, that a stalemate position ended the game before time ran out.

Are there any other instances of non-TD involvement that you can think of?

  • The free, updated US Chess Rules (Chapters 1+2 + 9 + 10 +11 from the 7th edition rulebook) are now downloadable and available online.
  • Want more? Past “Just the Rules” columns can be viewed here.
  • Plus, listen to Tim when he was a guest on the US Chess podcast “One Move at a Time.”

Tim Just is a National Tournament Director, FIDE National Arbiter, and editor of the 5th, 6th, and 7th editions of the US Chess Rulebook. He is also the author of My Opponent is Eating a Doughnut & Just Law, which are both available from US Chess Sales and Amazon/Kindle. Additionally, Tim recently revised The Guide To Scholastic Chess, a guide created to help teachers and scholastic organizers who wish to begin, improve, or strengthen their school chess program. Tim is also a member of the US Chess Rules Committee. His new column, exclusive to US Chess, “Just the Rules” will help clarify potentially confusing regulations.
