Five invitational events for national championships will hand out new crowns Wednesday, alongside the 121st U.S. Open in Cherry Hill, NJ.
Championship Round 6 games began at 10:00 a.m. eastern for the GM Arnold Denker (“Denker”) Tournament of High School Champions, the Dewain Barber (“Barber”) Tournament of Middle School Champions, the WIM Ruth Haring (“Haring”) National Girls’ Tournament of Champions, the John D. Rockefeller III (“Rockefeller”) National Tournament of Elementary School State Champions, and the John T. Irwin (“Irwin”) National Senior Tournament of Champions.
IM Igor Khmelnitsky, 4.5 vs. FM Doug Eckert, 4.5
IM Douglas Root, 4.0 vs. IM Alexander Matros, 4.0
GM Awonder Liang, 4.5 vs. Carissa Yip, 4.0
FM Shunkai Peng, 4.5 vs. GM Robert Shlyakhtenko, 3.5
WCM Ambica Yellamraju, 4.0 vs. WCM Ruiyang Yan, 5.0
WFM Yassamin Ehsani vs. 3.5 Arya Kumar 4.0
CM Vyom Vidyarthi, 4.5 vs. Terry Luo, 4.5
FM Nico Chasin, 4.0 vs. Evan Park, 4.0
Henry Deng, 4.5 vs. Ryo Chen, 4.0
Jasmine Su, 4.0 vs. Austin Tang, 4.5
Live games may be viewed here, or with commentary from IM Kostya Kavutskiy and NM Will Aramil, on the US Chess Twitch channel.
Irwin Rounds 4-5 Recap
One day after scoring 1.5 points off the two Grandmasters in the Irwin field, Missouri FM Doug Eckert stayed hot with his attention turned on the field’s other titles. Eckert added another 2/2 on Monday, scoring as White against Florida FM Robert Ferreiro and again as Black against Maryland IM Tegshsuren Enkhbat in a pivotal penultimate Round 5.
[pgn][Event "Irwin Championship 2021"] [Site "Crowne Plaza Cherry Hill, United States"] [Date "
2021.08.02"] [Round "5.1"] [White "Enkhbat, Tegshsuren"] [Black "Eckert, Doug"] [Result "0-1"] [TimeControl "G/90;+30"] [WhiteTitle "IM"] [BlackTitle "FM"] [WhiteElo "2373"] [BlackElo "2266"] 1. d4 {[%clk 01:30:53]} {[%emt 00:00:42]} Nf6 {[%clk 01:30:25]} {[%emt 00:00:06]} 2. c4 {[%clk 01:31:08]} {[%emt 00:00:18]} e6 {[%clk 01:30:47]} {[%emt 00:00:08]} 3. g3 {[%clk 01:31:07]} {[%emt 00:00:42]} d5 {[%clk 01:31:10]} 4. Bg2 {[%clk 01:30:49]} {[%emt 00:00:59]} dxc4 {[%clk 01:31:27]} {[%emt 00:00:13]} 5. Nf3 {[%clk 01:30:41]} {[%emt 00:00:15]} c6 {[%clk 01:31:54]} {[%emt 00:00:11]} 6. O-O {[%clk 01:23:35]} {[%emt 00:07:46]} b5 {[%clk 01:30:45]} {[%emt 00:01:31]} 7. a4 {[%clk 01:22:54]} {[%emt 00:04:06]} Bb7 {[%clk 01:29:57]} 8. Ne5 {[%clk 01:21:49]} a6 {[%clk 01:26:59]} {[%emt 00:03:16]} 9. b3 {[%clk 01:21:32]} {[%emt 00:01:08]} cxb3 {[%clk 01:23:08]} {[%emt 00:04:01]} 10. Bb2 {[%clk 01:20:42]} {[%emt 00:01:18]} Qb6 {[%clk 01:19:45]} {[%emt 00:03:52]} 11. Qxb3 {[%clk 01:18:16]} {[%emt 00:03:15]} Nbd7 {[%clk 01:19:02]} {[%emt 00:00:54]} 12. Nxd7 {[%clk 01:11:57]} {[%emt 00:06:49]} Nxd7 {[%clk 01:19:17]} {[%emt 00:00:36]} 13. e4 {[%clk 01:11:50]} {[%emt 00:00:44]} Be7 {[%clk 01:03:51]} {[%emt 00:16:16]} 14. d5 {[%clk 00:56:10]} {[%emt 00:15:22]} e5 {[%clk 01:04:15]} {[%emt 00:00:42]} 15. Bh3 {[%clk 00:47:07]} {[%emt 00:08:58]} Nc5 {[%clk 01:00:23]} {[%emt 00:04:20]} 16. Qd1 {[%clk 00:45:13]} {[%emt 00:02:30]} O-O {[%clk 00:54:57]} {[%emt 00:06:19]} 17. Bxe5 {[%clk 00:41:01]} {[%emt 00:04:14]} Nxe4 {[%clk 00:50:09]} {[%emt 00:05:17]} 18. Bd4 {[%clk 00:27:15]} {[%emt 00:14:44]} Bc5 {[%clk 00:45:59]} {[%emt 00:04:12]} 19. Bxg7 {[%clk 00:26:11]} {[%emt 00:01:37]} Nxf2 {[%clk 00:42:12]} {[%emt 00:04:34]} 20. Rxf2 {[%clk 00:25:58]} {[%emt 00:00:32]} Bxf2+ {[%clk 00:42:31]} {[%emt 00:00:04]} 21. Kg2 {[%clk 00:25:43]} {[%emt 00:01:11]} Kxg7 {[%clk 00:37:31]} {[%emt 00:05:06]} 22. Qg4+ {[%clk 00:23:47]} {[%emt 00:02:24]} Kh8 {[%clk 00:37:15]} {[%emt 00:01:07]} 23. Qh5 {[%clk 00:23:55]} {[%emt 00:00:04]} Bc8 {[%clk 00:32:40]} {[%emt 00:05:07]} 24. Bxc8 {[%clk 00:23:05]} {[%emt 00:01:12]} Raxc8 {[%clk 00:33:00]} {[%emt 00:00:17]} 25. Ra3 {[%clk 00:23:07]} {[%emt 00:00:34]} Bd4 {[%clk 00:30:23]} {[%emt 00:02:54]} 0-1 [/pgn]
Enkhbat had entered Monday tied for the lead but could only fight to a draw in the day’s first game with co-leader IM Igor Kmelnitsky from Pennsylvania. Kmelnitsky followed with a win over Illinois NM Steven Szpisjak to earn his spot in the championship match with Eckert.
Also scoring two points on Monday were IMs Douglas Root and Alexander Matros, both at 4.0/5 entering the final round, and both needing a full point in case the top board settles peacefully. Matros posted a solid fifth-round win as Black against GM Ben Finegold, while Root scored as Black against IM Elliott Winslow.
[pgn][Event "Irwin Championship 2021"] [Site "Crowne Plaza Cherry Hill, United States"] [Date "
2021.08.02"] [Round "5.3"] [White "Winslow, Elliott"] [Black "Root, Douglas"] [Result "0-1"] [TimeControl "G/90;+30"] [WhiteTitle "IM"] [BlackTitle "IM"] [WhiteElo "2278"] [BlackElo "2556"] 1. e4 {[%clk 01:22:45]} {[%emt 00:08:49]} e6 {[%clk 01:30:40]} 2. d4 {[%clk 01:22:49]} {[%emt 00:00:21]} d5 {[%clk 01:31:06]} 3. Nd2 {[%clk 01:22:38]} {[%emt 00:00:40]} Nf6 {[%clk 01:31:30]} {[%emt 00:00:39]} 4. e5 {[%clk 01:23:02]} Nfd7 {[%clk 01:31:56]} 5. Bd3 {[%clk 01:23:25]} {[%emt 00:00:03]} c5 {[%clk 01:32:21]} 6. c3 {[%clk 01:23:50]} Nc6 {[%clk 01:32:47]} 7. Ne2 {[%clk 01:24:13]} {[%emt 00:00:03]} cxd4 {[%clk 01:33:10]} {[%emt 00:00:09]} 8. cxd4 {[%clk 01:24:38]} f6 {[%clk 01:33:34]} {[%emt 00:00:04]} 9. exf6 {[%clk 01:24:47]} {[%emt 00:00:18]} Nxf6 {[%clk 01:33:59]} {[%emt 00:00:41]} 10. O-O {[%clk 01:25:07]} Bd6 {[%clk 01:34:24]} 11. Nf3 {[%clk 01:25:27]} O-O {[%clk 01:34:46]} 12. Bf4 {[%clk 01:25:09]} {[%emt 00:00:48]} Bxf4 {[%clk 01:35:08]} {[%emt 00:00:08]} 13. Nxf4 {[%clk 01:25:32]} {[%emt 00:00:08]} Ne4 {[%clk 01:35:32]} {[%emt 00:07:09]} 14. Ne2 {[%clk 01:25:02]} Rxf3 {[%clk 01:26:22]} {[%emt 00:03:40]} 15. gxf3 {[%clk 01:24:57]} {[%emt 00:01:03]} Ng5 {[%clk 01:26:45]} 16. Kh1 {[%clk 01:20:33]} {[%emt 00:04:56]} e5 {[%clk 01:12:07]} {[%emt 00:14:42]} 17. dxe5 {[%clk 00:55:13]} {[%emt 00:25:47]} Nxf3 {[%clk 01:06:27]} {[%emt 00:06:25]} 18. Ng1 {[%clk 00:53:21]} {[%emt 00:02:27]} Nfxe5 {[%clk 01:06:32]} {[%emt 00:00:41]} 19. f4 {[%clk 00:42:38]} {[%emt 00:10:54]} Nxd3 {[%clk 01:03:36]} {[%emt 00:03:08]} 20. Qxd3 {[%clk 00:43:06]} {[%emt 00:00:05]} g6 {[%clk 01:03:42]} {[%emt 00:00:21]} 21. h3 {[%clk 00:41:42]} {[%emt 00:02:28]} Bf5 {[%clk 01:03:46]} 22. Qd2 {[%clk 00:41:00]} {[%emt 00:01:03]} d4 {[%clk 01:00:17]} {[%emt 00:04:00]} 23. Kh2 {[%clk 00:38:32]} {[%emt 00:02:58]} d3 {[%clk 00:54:58]} {[%emt 00:06:17]} 24. Nf3 {[%clk 00:34:56]} {[%emt 00:03:47]} Qd7 {[%clk 00:54:14]} {[%emt 00:01:15]} 25. Nh4 {[%clk 00:29:39]} {[%emt 00:05:37]} Be4 {[%clk 00:31:51]} {[%emt 00:23:30]} 26. Rae1 {[%clk 00:28:15]} {[%emt 00:01:22]} Re8 {[%clk 00:32:02]} {[%emt 00:00:13]} 27. f5 {[%clk 00:19:13]} {[%emt 00:09:47]} Nd4 {[%clk 00:27:07]} {[%emt 00:06:12]} 28. f6 {[%clk 00:13:03]} {[%emt 00:06:14]} Kf7 {[%clk 00:26:56]} {[%emt 00:00:22]} 29. Qh6 {[%clk 00:06:21]} {[%emt 00:07:01]} Qd6+ {[%clk 00:25:40]} {[%emt 00:01:40]} 30. Rf4 {[%clk 00:04:29]} {[%emt 00:02:50]} Ne2 {[%clk 00:25:40]} {[%emt 00:00:03]} 31. Qxh7+ {[%clk 00:04:31]} {[%emt 00:00:33]} Ke6 {[%clk 00:25:50]} {[%emt 00:00:18]} 32. Nxg6 {[%clk 00:04:18]} {[%emt 00:01:11]} Bxg6 {[%clk 00:14:12]} {[%emt 00:12:46]} 33. Qxg6 {[%clk 00:04:35]} Qxf4+ {[%clk 00:14:35]} 34. Kg2 {[%clk 00:05:04]} Rd8 {[%clk 00:14:30]} 35. Rf1 {[%clk 00:04:23]} {[%emt 00:01:26]} Qe5 {[%clk 00:14:28]} {[%emt 00:00:19]} 36. Qg4+ {[%clk 00:03:24]} {[%emt 00:01:24]} Kd6 {[%clk 00:14:09]} {[%emt 00:00:44]} 37. f7 {[%clk 00:02:14]} {[%emt 00:02:10]} d2 {[%clk 00:04:37]} {[%emt 00:10:01]} 38. Qb4+ {[%clk 00:02:11]} Kc7 {[%clk 00:04:31]} {[%emt 00:01:04]} 39. Rf3 {[%clk 00:00:35]} {[%emt 00:02:01]} d1=Q {[%clk 00:04:34]} {[%emt 00:00:12]} 0-1 [/pgn]
Denker Rounds 4-5 Recap
We asked for it, and we got it – two of US Chess’ brightest stars and the Denker’s top two seeds clashing at the end, with a championship at stake. Wisconsin GM Awonder Liang, the only GM in the Denker field, and Massachusetts IM Carissa Yip, the No. 2 ranked woman in the U.S., were paired for Round 6 – but only thanks to Oregon FM Shunkai Peng, who played Liang to a now-pivotal draw back in Round 3.
Peng maintained his co-leadership with Liang by scoring 2/2 on Monday, first winning against California NM Milind Maiti, and then notching this win as Black over Oklahoma NM Ryan Amburgy in the fifth round.
[pgn][Event "Denker Championship 2021"] [Site "Crowne Plaza Cherry Hill, United States"] [Date "2021.08.02"] [Round "5.5"] [White "Amburgy, Ryan"] [Black "Peng, Shunkai"] [Result "0-1"] [TimeControl "G/90;+30"] [BlackTitle "FM"] [WhiteElo "2221"] [BlackElo "2411"] 1. Nf3 {[%clk 01:30:58]} d5 {[%clk 01:30:40]} {[%emt 00:00:14]} 2. c4 {[%clk 01:31:22]} d4 {[%clk 01:28:14]} {[%emt 00:03:09]} 3. b4 {[%clk 01:31:33]} g6 {[%clk 01:25:53]} {[%emt 00:02:49]} 4. Bb2 {[%clk 01:23:37]} {[%emt 00:11:30]} Bg7 {[%clk 01:26:05]} 5. Qa4+ {[%clk 01:23:32]} c6 {[%clk 01:23:41]} {[%emt 00:00:52]} 6. d3 {[%clk 01:19:49]} {[%emt 00:04:15]} e5 {[%clk 01:18:07]} {[%emt 00:08:27]} 7. Nbd2 {[%clk 01:17:43]} {[%emt 00:00:03]} Ne7 {[%clk 01:10:14]} {[%emt 00:08:25]} 8. c5 {[%clk 01:12:50]} {[%emt 00:05:22]} Be6 {[%clk 01:08:05]} {[%emt 00:03:21]} 9. g3 {[%clk 01:05:59]} {[%emt 00:06:36]} O-O {[%clk 01:04:15]} {[%emt 00:04:30]} 10. Bg2 {[%clk 01:04:51]} {[%emt 00:01:29]} Nd7 {[%clk 01:01:58]} {[%emt 00:10:31]} 11. Rc1 {[%clk 00:51:50]} {[%emt 00:05:44]} h6 {[%clk 00:59:18]} {[%emt 00:03:11]} 12. O-O {[%clk 00:47:51]} {[%emt 00:04:33]} Nd5 {[%clk 00:55:37]} {[%emt 00:04:18]} 13. Ne4 {[%clk 00:44:59]} {[%emt 00:03:15]} b5 {[%clk 00:52:25]} {[%emt 00:04:10]} 14. cxb6 {[%clk 00:43:25]} {[%emt 00:01:34]} axb6 {[%clk 00:48:21]} {[%emt 00:05:00]} 15. Qxc6 {[%clk 00:43:43]} Rxa2 {[%clk 00:48:06]} {[%emt 00:00:31]} 16. Rb1 {[%clk 00:42:31]} {[%emt 00:01:40]} Nxb4 {[%clk 00:43:48]} {[%emt 00:04:51]} 17. Qd6 {[%clk 00:39:35]} {[%emt 00:03:22]} Nc5 {[%clk 00:42:19]} {[%emt 00:02:20]} 18. Qxd8 {[%clk 00:32:21]} {[%emt 00:07:33]} Rxd8 {[%clk 00:39:18]} {[%emt 00:03:27]} 19. Bxd4 {[%clk 00:32:47]} exd4 {[%clk 00:36:19]} {[%emt 00:03:27]} 20. Rxb4 {[%clk 00:33:14]} {[%emt 00:00:18]} Rxe2 {[%clk 00:35:27]} {[%emt 00:01:06]} 21. Ne1 {[%clk 00:31:52]} {[%emt 00:02:29]} Rxe1 {[%clk 00:35:01]} {[%emt 00:00:26]} 22. Rxe1 {[%clk 00:32:21]} Nxd3 {[%clk 00:35:30]} 23. Reb1 {[%clk 00:32:29]} {[%emt 00:00:22]} Nxb4 {[%clk 00:35:51]} {[%emt 00:00:05]} 24. Rxb4 {[%clk 00:32:58]} {[%emt 00:00:15]} d3 {[%clk 00:35:38]} {[%emt 00:00:36]} 25. Bf3 {[%clk 00:32:50]} {[%emt 00:00:32]} d2 {[%clk 00:26:56]} {[%emt 00:09:12]} 26. Bd1 {[%clk 00:33:03]} {[%emt 00:00:15]} Rc8 {[%clk 00:27:16]} {[%emt 00:00:25]} 27. f3 {[%clk 00:31:26]} {[%emt 00:02:01]} Rc1 {[%clk 00:27:04]} {[%emt 00:01:12]} 28. Nf2 {[%clk 00:31:55]} Bc3 {[%clk 00:27:18]} 29. Re4 {[%clk 00:30:12]} 0-1 [/pgn]
Liang also scored 2/2 on Monday, earning his spot in a championship game at 4.5/5 -- though, having already played Peng, the Denker Champion will be decided using other opponents. Yip, slowed by a fourth-round draw against Texas FM Anish Vivekananthan, enters Tuesday in sole third place at 4.0 and must win against Liang -- and also needs some help on the neighboring board. California FM Robert Shlyakhtenko, at 3.5/5 after losing to Amburgy in the fourth round, can only serve as spoiler to Peng on Tuesday.
Haring Rounds 4-5 Recap
Northern California’s WCM Ruiyang Yan is aiming for a perfect performance in the 2021 National Tournament for Girls State Champions. Entering the final round, Yan has already defeated four players in the current top-10 of the standings, including back-to-back wins on Monday against WFM Yassamin Ehsani and WCM Aasa Dommalapati who are both at a respectable 3.5/5.
[pgn][Event "Haring Championship 2021"] [Site "Crowne Plaza Cherry Hill, United States"] [Date "2021.08.02"] [Round "5.6"] [White "Yan, Ruiyang"] [Black "Dommalapati, Aasa"] [Result "1-0"] [TimeControl "G/90;+30"] [WhiteTitle "WCM"] [BlackTitle "WCM"] [WhiteElo "2245"] [BlackElo "1990"] 1. e4 {[%clk 01:30:50]} c5 {[%clk 01:30:52]} 2. Nf3 {[%clk 01:31:15]} Nc6 {[%clk 01:31:17]} 3. d4 {[%clk 01:31:39]} cxd4 {[%clk 01:31:43]} {[%emt 00:00:21]} 4. Nxd4 {[%clk 01:31:58]} Nf6 {[%clk 01:32:10]} 5. Nc3 {[%clk 01:32:19]} {[%emt 00:00:05]} e5 {[%clk 01:32:35]} 6. Ndb5 {[%clk 01:32:45]} {[%emt 00:00:07]} d6 {[%clk 01:32:59]} {[%emt 00:00:04]} 7. Nd5 {[%clk 01:33:11]} {[%emt 00:00:11]} Nxd5 {[%clk 01:33:23]} {[%emt 00:00:03]} 8. exd5 {[%clk 01:33:36]} {[%emt 00:00:04]} Nb8 {[%clk 01:33:48]} {[%emt 00:00:04]} 9. a4 {[%clk 01:33:54]} {[%emt 00:00:11]} Be7 {[%clk 01:33:50]} {[%emt 00:00:24]} 10. Be2 {[%clk 01:34:20]} {[%emt 00:00:41]} O-O {[%clk 01:34:11]} 11. O-O {[%clk 01:34:47]} f5 {[%clk 01:34:22]} {[%emt 00:00:08]} 12. f4 {[%clk 01:34:48]} {[%emt 00:00:26]} a6 {[%clk 01:30:11]} {[%emt 00:04:30]} 13. Na3 {[%clk 01:35:05]} {[%emt 00:00:13]} Nd7 {[%clk 01:28:17]} {[%emt 00:02:24]} 14. Nc4 {[%clk 01:34:02]} {[%emt 00:01:44]} exf4 {[%clk 01:18:37]} {[%emt 00:09:59]} 15. Bxf4 {[%clk 01:34:17]} {[%emt 00:00:16]} Nb6 {[%clk 01:18:30]} {[%emt 00:00:35]} 16. a5 {[%clk 01:29:09]} {[%emt 00:06:44]} Nxc4 {[%clk 01:18:11]} 17. Bxc4 {[%clk 01:29:37]} Bf6 {[%clk 01:11:29]} {[%emt 00:06:58]} 18. c3 {[%clk 01:29:14]} {[%emt 00:00:54]} g5 {[%clk 01:08:12]} {[%emt 00:04:33]} 19. Be3 {[%clk 01:28:18]} {[%emt 00:00:38]} Qc7 {[%clk 01:03:31]} {[%emt 00:05:51]} 20. Bd3 {[%clk 01:26:38]} {[%emt 00:01:36]} f4 {[%clk 01:03:27]} {[%emt 00:00:27]} 21. Bb6 {[%clk 01:22:37]} {[%emt 00:05:00]} Qg7 {[%clk 01:02:15]} {[%emt 00:01:20]} 22. Qh5 {[%clk 01:11:00]} {[%emt 00:14:04]} Bd7 {[%clk 00:56:11]} {[%emt 00:04:31]} 23. Rae1 {[%clk 00:43:03]} {[%emt 00:28:38]} Be5 {[%clk 00:52:17]} {[%emt 00:04:39]} 24. Kh1 {[%clk 00:37:11]} {[%emt 00:06:24]} Rf6 {[%clk 00:50:09]} {[%emt 00:02:09]} 25. Bd4 {[%clk 00:31:13]} {[%emt 00:06:31]} Bxd4 {[%clk 00:45:24]} {[%emt 00:05:24]} 26. cxd4 {[%clk 00:31:39]} g4 {[%clk 00:22:41]} {[%emt 00:23:06]} 27. Re6 {[%clk 00:12:07]} {[%emt 00:20:02]} Bxe6 {[%clk 00:20:17]} {[%emt 00:03:11]} 28. dxe6 {[%clk 00:12:31]} g3 {[%clk 00:15:08]} {[%emt 00:05:27]} 29. h3 {[%clk 00:11:34]} {[%emt 00:02:03]} Raf8 {[%clk 00:14:20]} {[%emt 00:00:42]} 30. Qf3 {[%clk 00:10:59]} {[%emt 00:01:41]} Rh6 {[%clk 00:11:08]} {[%emt 00:03:06]} 31. Re1 {[%clk 00:09:49]} {[%emt 00:02:01]} Qxd4 {[%clk 00:06:00]} {[%emt 00:05:26]} 32. e7 {[%clk 00:10:05]} {[%emt 00:00:04]} Re8 {[%clk 00:06:11]} {[%emt 00:00:20]} 33. Qg4+ {[%clk 00:10:12]} {[%emt 00:00:48]} Kf7 {[%clk 00:03:30]} {[%emt 00:02:47]} 34. Qg5 {[%clk 00:03:25]} {[%emt 00:07:15]} Rg6 {[%clk 00:00:55]} {[%emt 00:03:07]} 35. Bxg6+ {[%clk 00:02:12]} {[%emt 00:01:40]} hxg6 {[%clk 00:01:24]} {[%emt 00:00:30]} 36. Rf1 {[%clk 00:02:18]} {[%emt 00:00:04]} Qe5 {[%clk 00:00:50]} {[%emt 00:00:57]} 37. Rxf4+ {[%clk 00:02:36]} {[%emt 00:00:16]} Kg7 {[%clk 00:01:15]} {[%emt 00:00:07]} 38. Qxg3 {[%clk 00:01:31]} {[%emt 00:01:27]} Rxe7 {[%clk 00:01:44]} {[%emt 00:00:08]} 39. Kh2 {[%clk 00:01:24]} {[%emt 00:00:30]} Qxa5 {[%clk 00:00:51]} {[%emt 00:01:23]} 40. Rg4 {[%clk 00:01:16]} {[%emt 00:00:41]} Re6 {[%clk 00:01:08]} {[%emt 00:00:28]} 41. Rg5 {[%clk 00:01:35]} Qd2 {[%clk 00:01:07]} {[%emt 00:00:26]} 42. b3 {[%clk 00:01:52]} {[%emt 00:00:17]} Qb4 {[%clk 00:00:39]} {[%emt 00:00:52]} 43. h4 {[%clk 00:01:48]} {[%emt 00:00:49]} Kh7 {[%clk 00:00:55]} 44. h5 {[%clk 00:01:52]} {[%emt 00:00:26]} Qe1 {[%clk 00:00:55]} {[%emt 00:00:27]} 45. Qf4 {[%clk 00:01:31]} {[%emt 00:01:14]} Re7 {[%clk 00:00:44]} {[%emt 00:00:23]} 46. hxg6+ {[%clk 00:01:19]} {[%emt 00:00:50]} Kg8 {[%clk 00:00:59]} {[%emt 00:00:04]} 47. Rh5 {[%clk 00:01:19]} {[%emt 00:00:28]} Qe6 {[%clk 00:00:49]} {[%emt 00:00:44]} 48. Qh4 {[%clk 00:01:02]} {[%emt 00:00:43]} Qxg6 {[%clk 00:00:34]} {[%emt 00:01:03]} 49. Rg5 {[%clk 00:01:27]} Rh7 {[%clk 00:00:49]} {[%emt 00:00:09]} 50. Rxg6+ {[%clk 00:01:53]} Kh8 {[%clk 00:01:16]} {[%emt 00:00:03]} 51. Rh6 {[%clk 00:02:17]} {[%emt 00:00:07]} Rxh6 {[%clk 00:01:39]} {[%emt 00:00:07]} 52. Qxh6+ {[%clk 00:02:43]} 1-0 [/pgn]
The field’s last chance to catch Yan is Texas WCM Ambica Yellamraju, who posted two solid wins on Monday to earn her shot at a girls championship in the final round. Tied with Yellamraju in second place at 4.0/5 is North Carolina’s Arya Kumar who needs a win as Black against Ehsani – and some luck from the top board – to be part of a three-way tie.
Barber Rounds 4-5 Recap
While he still leads entering Championship Tuesday, Delaware NM Terry Luo had a perfect thing going before drawing New York NM Nico Chasin in the fourth round. The slow step allowed him to be caught by CM Vyom Vidyarthi, who posted two big wins on Monday over Minnesota’s Troy Cavanah and Oregon’s Zoey Tang, both at 3.5/5.
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