Calling Chess Educators!


US Chess invites you to participate in a free online forum that will detail our plans for supporting the work you do each day to bring chess into schools. This event is jointly offered by our Chess in Education Committee and Scholastic Council.

This free event will be held on Sunday, November 6 from 8-9 pm (Eastern). Registration is limited and is required in advance. Register today by clicking here. Upon registration, you will be provided the login details for the event and a draft agenda for the evening.

We also invite you to submit questions in advance so that we may address many of these during the program. There also will be an opportunity to ask questions during the live session, though time will be limited so it’s best to get your questions submitted in advance to Feel free to share this email with others in your state who have an interest in teaching chess in a school environment. And if you cannot make this live event, we will record the session and post it to the US Chess YouTube channel for future viewing.

Thank you for everything you do to bring chess into schools in your community. We look forward to connecting with you on November 6. Register today!
