Call for Nominations: 2025 US Chess Executive Board Election

Call for Nominations

2025 US Chess Executive Board Election

The US Chess Federation (US Chess) will hold an election in 2025 for four at-large positions on the Executive Board. The top four vote-getters will be elected for a term of four years expiring in 2029.

Any current US Chess member who is not a current US Chess employee or designated contractor (as defined in the US Chess bylaws) may be nominated for election to the Executive Board.

Nominations must be made by submitting a petition containing the signatures of 50 or more members of US Chess who are either registered or eligible to register to vote, and by paying a $100 filing fee to the US Chess Federation.

The members signing the nomination petition must include at least 15 US Chess delegates (alternate delegates don’t count) representing at least five states. Petitions and filing fees must be postmarked by Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2024. Send petitions and the filing fee to:


US Chess Federation

ATTN: Governance Coordinator

P.O. Box 775308

St. Louis, MO 63177

If you prefer to pay by card, contact Debra Robison on (931) 200-9644.


Petitions may also be submitted electronically to Click here to show email address.


The nomination petitions must contain the dated signature, printed name, and US Chess ID number of each signer, and should contain the following text:

“We, the undersigned members of the US Chess Federation, nominate (candidate name goes here) as a candidate for election to the US Chess Executive Board in the 2025 election. We also consent to having our names and US Chess ID numbers published as having signed this petition.”

A sample nomination form is available here.

A fillable version of the same form is available here.

Candidates must consent to be on the ballot either by signing their own nomination petition or by separate notice to US Chess.

A voting member for this election is any current US Chess member (active as of June 1, 2025) whose membership expires on or after June 30, 2025; who will be age 16 or older as of June 30, 2025, and who registers to vote by June 1, 2025. Members with memberships of less than one year’s duration at their start are not eligible to become voting members. The election will be conducted by electronic ballot; to vote, members must have an email address on file with US Chess.

Emails with voting instructions will be distributed around June 10, 2025, to voting members who are registered to vote as of June 1, 2025. Returned ballots will be counted in July. Terms of elected board members will begin at the conclusion of the 2025 delegates’ meeting.
