
Wednesday Workout
For this week's Wednesday Workout, enjoy six positions from the recently concluded 1000 GMs Hollywood Masters.  For each of the six… Read More »
Wednesday Workout
For this week's Wednesday Workout, enjoy a smattering of tactics from recent events including GM Wesley So's victory in the Inaugural… Read More »
John Hartmann studying at a chessboard
Like most chess players, I enjoy competing with stronger opponents to test myself and my progress. Recently I had the chance to play an online nine-… Read More »
Mr Dodgy in his elemennt
Get your solving hats on! Here are six positions for you to chew on, including four from the famous Mr. Dodgy 2.0 Invitational and two from the FIDE… Read More »
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Hey! Long time, no talk. Are you ready to get to work and start solving? First up: five mates of increasing length. Then we'll test our… Read More »
Wednesday Workout
Check your skills and try to level up from the U1400 to the Open section in the 2021 US Chess Rapids tournament.Read More »
Balakrishnan-Burke, 2020 US Junior Ch
Before you strap on the feedbag tomorrow, earn all those calories with some chess puzzles today with this week's Wednesday Workout! We… Read More »
USCF logo
This week's Wednesday Workout features five problems for you to solve. Most Workouts have been focused on tactics or mates. This one... well, let's… Read More »
Seven tactical puzzles from the recently finished 2020 U.S. Junior Girls Championship.Read More »
This week's Workout comes to us from our friends at the 365 Chess Academy, an online chess learning platform founded by GM Jacob Aagaard, who is… Read More »
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