
Chess players are known creatures of habit, which is perhaps the only way to explain why, for the 85th time, 14 of the world’s top players venture to… Read More »
Wednesday Workout
The 2023 Pan-American Intercollegiate Championship took place in Seattle from January 5-8. Look no further for some energetic and sharp college chess… Read More »
Webster A
To reach the “Final Four” in Division I college basketball, teams only have to play four games. In chess, earning one of four coveted spots in the… Read More »
Who do you picture when you think of a Tournament Director (TD)? For many of us, it's a Santa Claus-esque figure distributing nuggets of wisdom while… Read More »
Fei Holliman
Growing up as a teenager in North Carolina in the 2000s, it never occurred to me that I could play FIDE rated chess. Sure, I occasionally received… Read More »
Just the Rules logo
An Unrated Wins the Upset Prize Chess rules simply can’t be written to cover every possibility, especially for unintended results.… Read More »
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