Posts categorized "Top american players"

When we last checked in on the Superbet Chess Classic Romania after five rounds, GM Fabiano Caruana was holding on to a half-point lead over GMs...… Read More »
If turnouts were ratings, the 2023 National Elementary School (NES) Championships would be sitting at board three in the K-6 Championship, board two… Read More »
Caruana leads the Superbet Chess Classic Romania by a half-point after five rounds of play in the first event of this year's Grand Chess Tour. The...… Read More »
Update 05/10/2023: The tournament has concluded, and GM Peter Svidler finished in clear first with 4½/7 after drawing his last two games. Mishra lost… Read More »
The Frank P. Samford Jr. and Frank Samford III Chess Fellowships are pleased to announce the thirty-seventh consecutive annual awards. The… Read More »
GM Hikaru Nakamura became the first player to book his ticket to join GM Magnus Carlsen in the Champions Chess Tour (CCT) 2023 finals, winning the...… Read More »
Finishing in clear first place, IM Jason Liang won the US Chess 2022 Grand Prix with 222.68 tournament points. GM Brandon Jacobson was second with… Read More »
Webster University, hosting the President’s Cup for the first time, put its homecourt (homeboard?) advantage to use, winning all three of its matches… Read More »
Look for a more detailed recap report tomorrow from Jay Stallings. The 2023 National High School (K-12) Championship (NHS) took place from March 31… Read More »
This week's Wednesday Workout celebrates the games of reigning and two-time U.S. Women's Champion WGM/FM Jennifer Yu. Many of these positions are...… Read More »