Super Grandmaster Chess

2022 FIDE Candidates, Round 9, Nepo Looks On
Round after round, Ian Nepomniachtchi is proving to be an immovable object. Today, while he held his lead with a draw against second-place Fabiano… Read More »
2022 FIDE Candidates, Hikaru Nakamura
The game that garnered most of the attention this round was Nakamura-Caruana, a complicated slugfest which also had the biggest effect on the… Read More »
2022 FIDE Candidates Round 8
Here are annotations provided by GM Jacob Aagaard of the games from Round 8 of the 2022 FIDE Candidates Tournament. See our full coverage here and… Read More »
2022 Candidates, Round 7, Fabiano Caruana
Quite a round today. We’re at the halfway point and, to everyone’s amazement, Ian Nepomniatchi just keeps winning. With 5½ points out of seven rounds… Read More »
2022 FIDE Candidates Round 7
Here are annotations provided by GM Jacob Aagaard of the games from Round 7 of the 2022 FIDE Candidates Tournament. See our full coverage here and… Read More »
Candidates Recap w/ Jacob Aagaard
Join GM Jacob Aagaard and Chess Life Editor John Hartmann for a special recap of the first six rounds of the 2022 FIDE Candidates tournament. … Read More »
The pack is beginning to separate. GM Ian Nepomniachtchi leads the 2022 FIDE Candidates as we head into the second rest day, having defeated GM Jan-… Read More »
The anticipated matchup between former world championship challenger GM Ian Nepomniachtchi and wünderkind GM Alireza Firouzja started brightly enough… Read More »
Alireza Firouzja
It had to happen sometime.Read More »
Caruana and Firouzja arriving at the event
In another day of fighting chess in round two of the 2022 FIDE Candidates Tournament, GM Hikaru Nakamura showed his strength of both will and play,… Read More »
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