One of the exciting events at the National High School Championship is the Grandmaster Simul, where scholastic competitors get a chance to play our… Read More »
As the first day closed on the 2022 National High School (K-12) Championship, the first winners of the weekend were declared with the conclusion of… Read More »
The 2022 National High School (K-12) Championship is underway in Memphis, TN today, with the Bughouse tournament having wrapped this afternoon and… Read More »
Effective April 16, Bryon Doyle will be the new FIDE Events Manager for US Chess. Bryon is a U.S. Army veteran, having served as a combat medic.… Read More »
This month’s guest on "Cover Stories with Chess Life" is well known to American chess fans. He’s the man with the fancy hat: Grandmaster Elshan...… Read More »
Nostalgia has a way of making us feel good about the past. We look at things through the “warm and fuzzy” lens of time. We tend to ignore the idea...… Read More »
This weekend, April 7-10, the US Chess National High School (K-12) Championship takes place in Memphis, TN! This national event features some of the… Read More »
World champion Magnus Carlsen is BACK on the cover of Chess Life for his big win in Wijk aan Zee at the Tata Steel Chess Tournament. Our cover story… Read More »
EDIT ON APRIL 2: APRIL FOOLS! We hope you enjoyed our prank post yesterday. US Chess has no intention of getting involved in the "impresario business… Read More »
Greetings! This month’s article represents my one-year anniversary writing the Check Is In The Mail. I want to thank everyone for playing along these… Read More »