“Only” half of the eight games played during Thursday’s 12th round of the 2024 FIDE Candidates and Women’s Candidates tournaments ended in decisive… Read More »
Action is heating up in Toronto as we are reaching the final stretch of the tournament. The 11th round featured three decisive games (out of four) in… Read More »
American GM Hans Niemann took clear first in the 2024 Grenke Open with a phenomenal 8/9 score. This week's Workout highlights a few key moments (and… Read More »
This week's Tactics Tuesday continues the Chess Life Kids Opening Project as we take a look at even more tactical themes in the French Exchange...… Read More »
OPEN It was a great day for American chess fans as both GM Hikaru Nakamura and GM Fabiano Caruana won their games. Nakamura obtained a comfortable...… Read More »
Update, April 16, 2024: This report has been updated with photos of the individual and team champions from each section. All photos courtesy DeShaun… Read More »
Today we saw only two decisive games total, with one in each section. Still, the results we got still impacted the leaderboards substantially! Round… Read More »
OPEN The second half of the 2024 FIDE Candidates Tournament started with a bang! In the American derby, GM Hikaru Nakamura won an important game...… Read More »
The players have finally reached the halfway point of the event. After today’s rest day, round eight resumes tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. CDT, with the...… Read More »
The 2024 Continental Senior Chess Championships will be held from May 6 through May 12, 2024 at the Hotel Habana Libre in Havana, Cuba. The event...… Read More »