The sixth round of the 44th FIDE Chess Olympiad saw the American teams emerge victorious in both sections, although in very different ways — by the… Read More »
The field nearly tripled in size yesterday as the six-day schedule of the U.S. Open kicked off with numerous titled players joining the fray. Playing… Read More »
The U.S. team beat Israel 2½ - 1½ this round to stay close to the leaders, but it wasn’t easy.Read More »
My guest on this special edition of Cover Stories is Caroline King, the photographer who shot our July cover photo of the 2022 National High School… Read More »
Invitationals After back-to-back double-round days in the invitationals, only one game remains before the champions are determined and the...Read… Read More »
Just what is a wiggle room rule? A specifically worded rule with some leeway—an escape hatch—built into it. In the chess universe that means someone… Read More »
Greetings! This is Larry’s last The Check is in the Mail. He has ably carried the good work of former editor Alex Dunne forward. As Larry writes “...… Read More »
In Monday's fourth round of the 2022 FIDE Olympiad, the USA’s Open team narrowly avoided losing to Uzbekistan, with the match ending in a 2-2 tie...… Read More »
While things are still quiet at the top of the standings after two rounds of the traditional schedule of the 122nd Annual U.S. Open Chess… Read More »
This month, Chess Life recognizes the 50th Anniversary of the legendary Fischer – Spassky world championship match. Our cover story, written by FM...… Read More »