Editor's Note: This story first ran in the May 2023 issue of Chess Life Magazine. We have republished the piece, with a number of additional puzzles… Read More »
The Chess Journalists of America once again sends out a call for nominations for the annual Chess Journalists of America (CJA) awards. The CJA awards… Read More »
Note: These scholarships are funded and administered outside of US Chess by the private organization Kids for Chess. Kids for Chess, a nonprofit...… Read More »
Congratulations to the Gotham Knights on winning the 2023 Pro Chess League playoffs. After five weeks of regular season play (covered here and here… Read More »
The Confederation of Chess for America (CCA), The Renaissance Knights Chess Foundation, and US Chess Federation have announced the XXXIII Pan-… Read More »
When we last checked in on the Superbet Chess Classic Romania after five rounds, GM Fabiano Caruana was holding on to a half-point lead over GMs...… Read More »
A memorable weekend came to a close on Mother's Day in Baltimore, MD, as the final two rounds of the National Elementary School Championship… Read More »
Over 2,100 players from 38 states competed in Baltimore, Maryland to determine the nation’s top elementary school players; New York schools win all… Read More »
With five rounds in the books at the 2023 National Elementary School (NES) Championships in Baltimore, MD, the stage is set for "Championship Sunday… Read More »
If turnouts were ratings, the 2023 National Elementary School (NES) Championships would be sitting at board three in the K-6 Championship, board two… Read More »