This week, we continue our series of puzzles from Tata Steel 2024 with an in-depth look into a number of the lone American's games in the Challengers… Read More »
A unifying theme in the repertoire being rolled in Chess Life Kids magazine as part of the CLK Openings Project is playing for Isolated Queen's Pawn… Read More »
Hello chess friends! I recently had a nice tactical end to what was otherwise a very strategic game, and it made me think of the old saying...Read… Read More »
Here is a story that just missed being part of My Opponent is Eating a Doughnut. Minor changes were made to protect the guilty. BACKGROUND Have you… Read More »
13-year-old Andy Woodward earned his third and final GM norm in Saudi Arabia with his 6/9 performance at the Jeddah Chess Festival’s Young Masters...… Read More »
This week begins a series highlighting a number of angles from Tata Steel 2024. This week is a simple highlight reel of not-so-simple tactical… Read More »
In the February issue of Chess Life Kids magazine, the CLK Openings Project continues with a complete Alapin repertoire against the Sicilian. Enjoy a… Read More »
Anything can happen in Wijk aan Zee. The 2024 Tata Steel Chess Tournament, held January 13 through 28 in the Netherlands, saw the reigning FIDE World… Read More »
In August 2023, FEMchess made waves when 60 girls participated in its inaugural All-Girls Scholastic Tournament in Fremont, CA. Determined to sustain… Read More »
Finishing in clear first place, GM Jianchao Zhou won the US Chess 2023 Grand Prix with 562.942 tournament points. GM Fidel Corrales Jimenez was… Read More »