Posts categorized "Problems & puzzles"

Magnus Carlsen, Fabiano Caruana, and Levon Aronian, the winners of the first three Sinquefield Cups in 2013, 2014, and 2015 respectively, have tied… Read More »
Despite the high drawing percentage thus far (80%), many hard-fought, fascinating games have been played. Test your tactical, positional, and endgame… Read More »
A thick coat of shouting filled the room as if mocking the earlier silence portrayed during an exhausting puzzle. “Knight wins queen!”, my partner...… Read More »
The final day of the blitz was a tug-o-war for the lead between Hikaru Nakamura and Shakhriyar Mamedyarov.Read More »
Test out your calculation skills with puzzles from the U.S. Junior Championships. How do your skills compare to America's top prodigies?Read More »
US Chess wishes a hearty Happy Birthday to Grandmaster Pal Benko, also a renowned composer and popular author. At 90 years young (as of July 15, 2018… Read More »
Just weeks after becoming the newly crowned US Champion, Sam Shankland won the 2018 Capablanca Memorial by a convincing 1.5 point margin.Read More »
Trailing by 2 points to Ju Wenjun at the halfway mark, Tan Zhongyi struck back in round 6 with a 125-move display of determination.Read More »
The Women's World Championship has been a lively match so far, loaded with king attacks and tactical combinations--with 80% of the games ending...… Read More »
Sharpen your tactics with puzzles from the games of the top 3 finishers of the US Women's Championships, Nazi Paikidze, Annie Wang, and Irina Krush!… Read More »