Posts Tagged with "Women"

US Chess Women Logo
Lee courtesy Ootes SLCC
The path to earning a FIDE title is arduous. Beyond the minimum FIDE rating requirement — 2400 for IM, 2500 for GM — players have to earn three pesky… Read More »
Roebers Mishra
Turkish GM Mustafa Yilmaz leads the Tata Steel Challengers headed into the first rest day, with an impressive 4/5 score that includes a fifth round… Read More »
Kala with trophies
Our 50th Ladies Knight guest is Kalanithi “Kala” Kanapathy-Bagley, the founder of the Discovery Chess Academy and a member of US Chess Women’s… Read More »
Webster A
To reach the “Final Four” in Division I college basketball, teams only have to play four games. In chess, earning one of four coveted spots in the… Read More »
Danielle Little thumb
Image US Chess is pleased to announce that Danielle… Read More »
Women at the K-12 National Champs
Jennifer Shahade speaks to WFM Devina aka “Simply Devina” Devagharan about her streaming career, and her strong advocacy for mental health in the… Read More »
GM Maurice Ashley
Image Grandmaster Maurice Ashley, a member of the US… Read More »
photo by David Llada
When the overflow hotel runs out of rooms a month in advance, you know you’re in for a record-breaking event. With the National K-12… Read More »
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