Posts Tagged with "Women"

US Chess Women Logo
Naka watches Lee Krush
The pressure is increasing at the American Cup as the rounds progress, and the players are handling this very impressively. In the champion’s bracket… Read More »
Tokhirjonova Krush
As the American Cup progresses, it is becoming clear who is in their best form. The semifinals of the champion's bracket saw GMs Hikaru Nakamura and… Read More »
Wednesday Workout
This week's workout highlights the games of 2021 U.S. Women's Champion Carissa Yip. Enjoy a number of her dazzling combinations, including several… Read More »
Wednesday Workout
This week's Wednesday Workout honors eight-time U.S. Women's Champion Irina Krush, who begins her quest to defend her American Cup title later this… Read More »
Image The second annual American Cup kicks off Friday,… Read More »
Wednesday Workout
For International Women's Day, we would like to honor the 17 women from Vera Menchik to Ju Wenjun who have held the title of Women's World Champion.… Read More »
Wednesday Workout
GM Alexandra Kosteniuk won the Munich leg of the FIDE Women's Grand Prix, and is now in prime position to qualify for the next FIDE Candidates… Read More »
Tatev banner
Editor’s note: WGM Tatev Abrahamyan is the newest addition to the roster of Chess Life columnists, and this month, we’re pleased to bring her… Read More »
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