Posts categorized "Posts tagged with "women""

Round seven of the U.S. Championships saw a sole leader emerge or remain in all three championships. However, none of these leaders have guaranteed… Read More »
Download our printable bulletin of round 12 here. For the first time since the 2010 World Championship match between GM Viswanathan Anand and GM...… Read More »
Download our printable bulletin of round 11 here. The penultimate game of the 2023 Women’s World Championship is full of “what ifs.” If challenger… Read More »
It’s been 13 years since a tied world championship match was decided in the final two games, with Anand defeating Topalov in the final game of a tied… Read More »
The U.S. Junior Championship (Junior), U.S. Girls’ Junior Championship (Girls’), and U.S. Senior Championship (Senior) participants have a rest day… Read More »
With four rounds completed at the 2023 U.S. Championships, we’ve seen enough games to have some idea of who will be fighting for the coveted titles… Read More »
Please download our printable bulletin and follow along with IM Nazi Paikidze's annotations for this round. GM Lei Tingjie’s preparation with 1. e4… Read More »
After two days, the 2023 U.S. Girls' Junior Championship (Girls') ran out of players with perfect scores. It only took one more day for the U.S...… Read More »
Editor’s note: From July 15–25 at the Saint Louis Chess Club (SLCC), chess is the big sensation. But it doesn’t stop there. Earlier this month, SLCC… Read More »
Please download our printable bulletin here. Perhaps the most frustrating aspect of studying chess is that, despite all the rich, complex opening...… Read More »