Posts categorized "News"

Action is heating up in Toronto as we are reaching the final stretch of the tournament. The 11th round featured three decisive games (out of four) in… Read More »
American GM Hans Niemann took clear first in the 2024 Grenke Open with a phenomenal 8/9 score. This week's Workout highlights a few key moments (and… Read More »
This week's Tactics Tuesday continues the Chess Life Kids Opening Project as we take a look at even more tactical themes in the French Exchange...… Read More »
OPEN It was a great day for American chess fans as both GM Hikaru Nakamura and GM Fabiano Caruana won their games. Nakamura obtained a comfortable...… Read More »
Update, April 16, 2024: This report has been updated with photos of the individual and team champions from each section. All photos courtesy DeShaun… Read More »
Today we saw only two decisive games total, with one in each section. Still, the results we got still impacted the leaderboards substantially! Round… Read More »
OPEN The second half of the 2024 FIDE Candidates Tournament started with a bang! In the American derby, GM Hikaru Nakamura won an important game...… Read More »
The players have finally reached the halfway point of the event. After today’s rest day, round eight resumes tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. CDT, with the...… Read More »
The 2024 Continental Senior Chess Championships will be held from May 6 through May 12, 2024 at the Hotel Habana Libre in Havana, Cuba. The event...… Read More »
Mark your calendars! US Chess will offer an informative Town Hall for Tournament Directors on Sunday, May 5, from 8-9:30 p.m. Eastern time. Panelists… Read More »