Posts categorized "News"

Two sets of GM and IM norm invitational Round Robins were held by 1000GM around the National Open in Las Vegas earlier this month. FM Varun Krishnan… Read More »
Downtown Manhattan is one of the world’s most traversed spots. With several financial centers on Wall Street as well as dozens of world-famous...Read… Read More »
Two sets of GM and IM norm invitational Round Robins were held by 1000GM around the National Open in Las Vegas earlier this month. FM Varun Krishnan… Read More »
No tiebreaks needed! Just like in the 2024 FIDE Women's Candidates two months ago, GM Tan Zhongyi basically had the victory in the bag before the… Read More »
At the time of publication, the penultimate round of the 2024 Cairns Cup is underway in St. Louis. Today, we have annotations on key games and… Read More »
The FIDE World Senior Team Championship is taking place July 1 through 12 in Krakow, Poland, and, this year, three teams will be making the trip.… Read More »
Every June, thousands of players flock to Las Vegas, but it’s not to gamble (indeed, many of them have to wait upwards of a decade before they can… Read More »
Two sets of GM and IM norm invitational Round Robins were held by 1000GM around the National Open in Las Vegas earlier this month. FM Varun Krishnan… Read More »
Two sets of GM and IM norm invitational Round Robins were held by 1000GM around the National Open in Las Vegas earlier this month. FM Varun Krishnan… Read More »
The fourth edition of the Cairns Cup began Thursday, June 13, at the Saint Louis Chess Club (SLCC), and it did not take long for the players to...… Read More »