International Events

carlsen kaidanov c valeria kaidanov
Editor's note: This story first appeared in the January 2024 issue of Chess Life Magazine. Consider becoming a US Chess member for more content like… Read More »
Wednesday Workout
This week, we continue our series on the 2023 World Rapid and Blitz and Women's World Rapid and Blitz championships, with a particular focus on… Read More »
Tactics Tuesday
This week's Tactics Tuesday returns to the 2023 FIDE World Rapid and Blitz and Women's World Rapid and Blitz championships to highlight a number of… Read More »
A number of high-profile tournaments took place around Christmastime both domestically and internationally. Between the holidays and coverage of FIDE… Read More »
The 2023 FIDE World Blitz and Women's World Blitz championships concluded Saturday, December 30 after two days and 21 rounds (17 for the women's… Read More »
Five days of fast chess once again close out the calendar year. The 2023 World Rapid and Blitz Championships and World Women's Rapid and Blitz… Read More »
The 2023 North American Junior U20 Championships were held from December 19 through 23 in Dulles, Virginia. Organized by Capital Area Chess with… Read More »
52-year-old British GM Michael Adams won the 2023 London Chess Classic with an undefeated 6/9 performance to finish a half-point ahead of Iranian GM… Read More »
KCF University Cup 2022 logo
New York, NY, Nov. 28, 2023: The Kasparov Chess Foundation (KCF) announces the fourth annual KCF University Cup, which will take place February… Read More »
Image Image Caption Caruana capped off… Read More »
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