Posts categorized "International events"

Turkish GM Mustafa Yilmaz leads the Tata Steel Challengers headed into the first rest day, with an impressive 4/5 score that includes a fifth round… Read More »
Chess players are known creatures of habit, which is perhaps the only way to explain why, for the 85th time, 14 of the world’s top players venture to… Read More »
To reach the “Final Four” in Division I college basketball, teams only have to play four games. In chess, earning one of four coveted spots in the...… Read More »
Women's Blitz Championship In an upset victory for the home team, Kazakh IM Bibisara Assaubayeva won the 2022 Women’s World Blitz Championship. Her… Read More »
Tan Takes Tiebreaks GM Tan Zhongyi’s reign of terror continued in Alamaty, winning the Women’s World Rapid Championship just weeks after winning her… Read More »
GM Magnus Carlsen won the second leg of his quest for the triple crown on December 28, winning the 2022 World Rapid Championship in Almaty,… Read More »
The 2023 Pan-American Intercollegiate Team Championship begins January 5th in Seattle, Washington. Open to four-player teams from eligible colleges… Read More »
Tata Steel Chess India, now in its fourth year of rapid and blitz, shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. Indeed, the Kolkata tournament...… Read More »
It started as a joke. Then, in 2020, it became an online eight-player Round Robin with only one prize. The prize was a picture of a man on a horse...… Read More »
For the November edition of One Move at a Time, we offer a look back at one of our favorite episodes. In this EP from May 2022, Dan Lucas sits down… Read More »