Posts categorized "Chess life kids online"
Last month, the 2023 K-12 Scholastic Grade Championships saw champions and co-champions crowned across 13 grade levels. This week and next, we take a…
This week's Tactics Tuesday returns to the 2023 FIDE World Rapid and Blitz and Women's World Rapid and Blitz championships to highlight a number of...
This week's Tactics Tuesday features a number of forced checkmates from the 2023 FIDE World Rapid and Women's World Rapid championships. The theme is…
This week's Tactics Tuesday (the last of the year!) pulls from a recent Rapid and Blitz event where even top GMs let some tactics slip through the...
This week's exercises all come courtesy from the eighth round 2023 London Chess Classic match-up between French GM Jules Moussard and British IM...
This week's Tactics Tuesday takes a deep dive into one of GM Hans Niemann's seven (!!) impressive victories in the Tournament of Peace held in Zagreb…
This week's Tactics Tuesday concludes our exploration of the Scandinavian by looking at the thematic d4-d5 break to open up the center, which is...
This week's Tactics Tuesday pays homage to one of #TeamScandi's most beloved and ardent leaders: IM John Bartholomew. The popular YouTuber and...
This week's Tactics Tuesday goes back to the Scandinavian to explore Boden's Mate and related themes of sacrifices on c6 after Black castles… Read More »
This week's Tactics Tuesday begins our series on the Scandinavian Defense as part of the Chess Life Kids Openings Project. Download our printable...