Annotated Games

Editor's Note: WGM Sabina Foisor reported on her return to her home country as a coach for the 2022 World Youth Championships in Mamaia, Romania for… Read More »
Please download our daily bulletin or follow along with WGM Jennifer Yu's annotations below!   … Read More »
Image Image Caption Nepo doing some… Read More »
Please download our printable bulletin of GM Elshan Moradiabadi's coverage of this stunning game! … Read More »
Rd 3 Handshake
Image Image Caption An enthusiastic… Read More »
GM Hikaru Nakamura became the first player to book his ticket to join GM Magnus Carlsen in the Champions Chess Tour (CCT) 2023 finals, winning the… Read More »
Editor's Note: You can download the bulletin version of this article, with annotations by GM Elshan Moradiabadi, here.   … Read More »
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