Posts categorized "Annotated games"

The Charlotte Chess Center’s 29th GM/IM Norm Invitational ended with six players earning norms, including two who earned the coveted FIDE Master (FM… Read More »
Youth versus experience. Balance versus composition. Bears versus...Maroons? On Sunday, November 13, the four regional champions of this year's… Read More »
The largest norm Round Robin invitational in U.S. history is underway at the Charlotte Chess Center (CCC). Taking place from November 18 to 22, the… Read More »
Just a short ride away from pristine beaches, Hollywood, and all the overpriced health food you could want, 78 players squared off from October 26-30… Read More »
The Mark Diesen Memorial Invitational was held in Chicago from September 16th-20th. Named in honor of the late 1976 World Junior Champion, IM Mark...… Read More »
You may have seen Andy’s interview, as well as his stunning victory against IM Kostya Kavutskiy, in the November issue of Chess Life. Here, he shares… Read More »
It was drama tailor-made for television… or in this case, YouTube and Twitch. WGM Jennifer Yu defeated GM Irina Krush in a wild three-game playoff to… Read More »
After thirteen rounds, and more than two weeks of drama, GM Fabiano Caruana is the 2022 U.S. Champion, his second U.S title. The Women’s title is...… Read More »
The penultimate twelfth round of the 2022 U.S. Chess Championships witnessed a momentous change in the leader spot of the U.S. Women’s Championship… Read More »
We’re nearing the finish line at the 2022 U.S. Chess Championships. After 11 rounds, and plenty of drama, the tension is ratcheting up as everything… Read More »