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Join US Chess' Chess in Education Committee for the next monthly (March) Webinar, Chess During the School Day, Part 2! The webinar airs on Wednesday… Read More »
Amateurs around the country teamed up over (mostly) Presidents’ Day weekend for the four regional U.S. Amateur Team (USAT) championships. All in all… Read More »
With his win just an hour ago over GM Parham Maghsoodloo, Uzbek GM Nodirbek Abdusattorov has won the Prague Chess Festival 2024's Masters… Read More »
Call for submissions: FIDE Veterans Support Program Dear member federations, The International Chess Federation is pleased to announce the...Read… Read More »
With the second semifinal in the Team Chess Battle 2024 about to kick off on, this week's Tactics Tuesday decided to take a look at some of… Read More »
Grandmaster Christopher Woojin Yoo has won the prestigious 2024 Falconer Award given annually by the Mechanics' Institute to the highest rated player… Read More »
Chess friends, it is time for me to bid you adieu; this will be my last column for The Check is in the Mail. My plate is quite full these days, and… Read More »
When it comes to byes, we are all pretty familiar with the half-pointers and one-pointers. You can ask for a half-pointer when you need to skip a...… Read More »
American GM Hans Niemann and Belgian GM Daniel Dardha shared top honors at the Djerba Masters invitational, with Dardha taking first on tiebreaks...… Read More »
Adia Onyango made a splash in her first month of eligibility for the Senior Women’s (50+) Invitational rating list. Onyango, who turned 50 in January… Read More »
