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Pete and Gopal explore a new horizon in chess media: Chess Sketch Comedy. Open source… kinda. Fire up your favorite podcast service and add the… Read More »
This week's Wednesday Workout comes from the 1000 GMs' Bay Area Challengers tournaments held February 17-20 and 24-26 in Milpitas, California. This… Read More »
Is classical chess dead? It’s no secret that this question makes me grimace. But it’s not because I am a “purist” who will balk at rapid chess.… Read More »
With a two-game lead headed into the final four rounds, the question was whether anyone could stop American GM Levon Aronian. It turns out, the… Read More »
As of Sunday afternoon, we are once again processing credit card purchases. There is a small set of transactions made during the downtime that need… Read More »
Editor's note: Some of us have the luxury of traveling to tournaments whenever we want without hesitation. Others have to pick one or two events a...… Read More »
American GM Levon Aronian leads with 4/5 just after the halfway point of the WR Masters in Dusseldorf, Germany. Compatriot GM Wesley So and Indian GM… Read More »
GM Alexandra Kosteniuk won the Munich leg of the FIDE Women's Grand Prix, and is now in prime position to qualify for the next FIDE Candidates...Read… Read More »
The Kasparov Chess Foundation (KCF) organized the third annual KCF University Cup. This event was played on Lichess and hosted on Chessstream on the… Read More »
For the first time in US Chess history, our membership has cracked the 100,000 level. As of February 19, 2023, we have 100,179 members. We had begun… Read More »
