In the News

As always, you can download today's printable bulletin, or follow along with FM Alice Lee's annotations embedded below. Around halfway through the...… Read More »
The Frank P. Samford Jr. and Frank Samford III Chess Fellowships are pleased to announce the thirty-seventh consecutive annual awards. The… Read More »
For last week's Workout, all of the positions came from the 15th Annual Open at Foxwoods, but intentionally omitted one of the most interesting games… Read More »
Please download our printable bulletin, or follow along with in-depth analysis from IM Robert Shlyakhtenko embedded below! After four consecutive… Read More »
Please download our printable bulletin of this article, or read along with WGM Katerina Nemcova's annotations embedded below! GM Ian Nepomniachtchi… Read More »
Jennifer Shahade welcomes Megan Chen to Ladies Knight. Megan is currently on a great American quest to play US rated chess in every state.Read More »
Morning rain and cooler weather on Sunday meant that the outdoor pools were closed at the National Middle School Championship site. But chess players… Read More »
1,251 players from 35 states competed in Round Rock, Texas near Austin to determine the nation’s top middle school chess players ROUND ROCK, TEXAS...… Read More »
The National Middle School Championship has over 1,250 players. Franc Guadalupe, Chief Tournament Director, says 1,260 players registered. Bill… Read More »
Please download our printable bulletin, with annotations from FM Carsten Hansen, here, or read on to see the embedded study below. In any other… Read More »
