In the News

This month, all of our Tactics Tuesday worksheets will continue the CLK Openings Project, which this month is covering the Two Knights Defense.… Read More »
(NOTE: an updated version of the Scholastic Regulations was posted on January 5, 2024. The new version, which is linked below, contains fixes to...… Read More »
Jennifer Shahade's last day at US Chess will be Wednesday, September 6, following her resignation as the Women's Program Director, a position she has… Read More »
In the 50th episode of Chess Underground, Pete and Gopal examine “underrated and underappreciated players from chess history.” Click here for the...… Read More »
Not all of the rulebook updates passed by the delegates at their annual meeting were major. There will be some minor housekeeping rules changes that… Read More »
Hello chess friends! This month’s column is the second in a series about the elements of chess analysis, using the email and correspondence games...… Read More »
The inaugural FEMchess All-Girls Scholastic Chess Tournament took place on August 20, 2023, in Fremont, CA, showcasing the growing interest of young… Read More »
This week's Wednesday Workout takes another dip back into Grand Rapids for the invitational tournaments. This week, each position is pulled from a...… Read More »
This week's Tactics Tuesday looks back on last month's 2023 U.S. Junior and Girls' Junior championships. Enjoy a variety of motifs, mating attacks...… Read More »
The XXXIII Pan-American Youth Chess Festival featured over 2,700 games played across 12 sections and seven days. Results, including team standings… Read More »
