US Chess Welcomes Boyd Reed as Director of Events

Photo Ray Morris-Hill for London Chess Classic
With the retirement of Franc Guadalupe effective December 31, 2017, Boyd Reed has assumed the duties of Director of Events effective January 1, 2018. Boyd, who has a wealth of chess experience, performed duties as the US Chess Assistant Director of Events from May 2016 until his recent promotion.  He is a National Master, National Tournament Director, International Arbiter, and has organized many events, at all levels.  As the Assistant Director of Events, he was instrumental in the success of National Championships organized by the US Chess office, including the record-breaking SuperNationals VI.   Boyd has been involved with US Chess as a scholastic player, collegiate player, scholastic coach, adult player, organizer, director, scholastic parent, local volunteer, state volunteer, US Chess Delegate, US Chess committee chairman and, since May 2016, US Chess staff member.  He is also the President of the Pittsburgh Chess Club as well as the Vice President of the Pennsylvania State Chess Association.  Boyd is an avid sports fan and his favorite team is the St. Louis Cardinals. Franc retires after many years of service to US Chess, including a period where he filled in as the Executive Director and his tenure as the Director of Events, from June 1, 2014 to December 31, 2017.  During this critical time of transition, Franc will continue providing consulting services to the US Chess staff, as needed. Please join us in bidding farewell to Franc and welcoming Boyd as the new US Chess Director of Events.
