A Holiday Message From US Chess


Dear US Chess Community:

On behalf of our US Chess family, Season's Greetings to you and your family. With the holiday season upon us and the end of 2021 nearing, my hope for you and your family is good health and peace in the new year.

As the world, the United States, and US Chess all learned how to deal with a second year of disruption and change, we celebrated the return of over-the-board chess even as the Greek letters "Delta" and "Omicron" took on ominous new meanings for us. We confirmed that chess is much more than a game to our members--it is a key part of your lives. The 2021 U.S. Open in New Jersey and the National K-12 Grade Championships in Florida were homecomings – friends seeing one another for the first time in two years and experiencing the joy of being together. In these moments, we remember how special chess is and the way it brings people together with a sense of community.

Please be aware that the US Chess offices will be closed on Thursday, December 23, and Friday, December 24, and again on Thursday, December 30, and Friday, December 31, so that our staff can be with their families. If you anticipate needing something during this time, please plan ahead and make your request well in advance of the scheduled closures. Our offices will reopen for regular business on Monday, January 3, 2021 at 8 a.m. CT.

Thank You for being the best part of who we are as an organization, and I look forward to seeing you in person in 2022. Until then, please be safe and stay healthy as you enjoy the remaining days of this holiday season.

Warmest regards,

Carol B. Meyer  US Chess Executive Director
