Happy National Chess Day!

National Chess Day cake in Memphis, TN--what will their famous cake look like this year? Stay tuned!
Happy National Chess Day! We hope you are enjoying the historic day, first proclaimed by President Ford on October 9, 1976.  
National Chess Day is recognized on the second Saturday of October, giving us a great opportunity each year  to “give special recognition to a game that generates challenge, intellectual stimulation and enjoyment for citizens of all ages.”
Please join us on social media at US Chess on twitter and US_Chess on instagram, and share your activities on this special day, using the hashtag #NationalChessDay.  So far, we've got dispatches from our chess capital in Saint Louis to major U.S. chess cities from Philly to Chicago to Dallas. https://twitter.com/WorldChessHOF/status/1051051196524453888 https://twitter.com/ChicagoCAPS14/status/1051138611347972096 https://twitter.com/PhillyASAP/status/1051176903451791360 https://twitter.com/JenShahade/status/1051172431895977986   https://twitter.com/UT_Dallas/status/1051161941522219009 https://twitter.com/investinchess/status/1051195194073378817 https://twitter.com/USChess/status/1051175550507778048 If you are playing or involved in a special event that coincides with National Chess Day, please join in and share with us on social media @USChess on twitter or facebook. Organizers and players: To submit games and photos for possible inclusion on CLO, email Click here to show email address andClick here to show email address.
