CJA Continuing Education Series Announced

By John Hartmann |  November 8, 2021  |   News

The Chess Journalists of America, in conjunction with US Chess, will be inaugurating a series of webinars for chess writers, editors, and designers, to help grow knowledge of best practices among its members. This series is led by 2021 Chess Journalist of the Year John Hartmann, current editor of Chess Life and Chess Life Online, along with Joshua Anderson, current president of the CJA.  

Webinars are free and open to any CJA member in good standing, and any US Chess affiliate that wishes to participate.

The first webinar will feature Mr. Hartmann speaking on the importance of style guides in editing, along with a discussion of how to create a house style. The date is to be determined.

Future webinars will feature leading members of the chess journalism community, including staff from both US Chess and American Chess Magazine, with particular expertise in relevant topics.

Become a member of the Chess Journalists of America to receive information about each webinar as they are scheduled. US Chess affiliates will also receive notice.
