Announcement: US Chess Accepting Bids for 2022-2023 National Online Scholastic Quick Chess Championship

US Chess announces the solicitation of bids for hosting the 2022-2023 National Online Scholastic Quick Chess Championships.  This new event was created by action of the US Chess Executive Board earlier this year, with the intent of expanding national championship offerings to the online space on a more permanent basis.  

The bid must be submitted by an online platform, either independently or in partnership with one or more organizations.  The successful bidder will feature a platform that has a current official endorsement from US Chess of its fair play systems. Only bids using endorsed servers will be considered. The bidding period is open until 5pm Eastern Time on Monday, September 12.

Bidders can select a date or dates that fall(s) within the acceptable date ranges as detailed in the RFP.  Bidders are asked to pay close attention to the RFP and the tournament regulations.  In particular, the successful bidder must commit to meeting all requirements pertaining to this event as set by the US Chess Scholastic Regulations.  Meeting all the specifications therein will greatly enhance the bid’s odds of success.

For questions about the event regulations or other event-related technical matters, please contact Click here to show mail address.  For specific questions about the bidding process, please contact Click here to show mail address.
