National HS Starts Tonight: Bug and Blitz!

The 2019 National High School Championship is underway tonight, with the Bughouse Championship settled Thursday afternoon and the Blitz on-going as these words are being written. This year’s High School Championship has already broken records, with 1700 players registered and ready to play! The field is capped due to space constraints, but you can check with Chess Control (931-933-8251) to see if any spots become available. US Chess cannot guarantee availability at this point in time. The ever-popular Bughouse tournament was played Thursday afternoon, and Iowa’s Gokul Thangavel and NM Joseph Wan were the winners.

Wan (L) and Thangavel (R), 2019 Bug Champs!

US Chess’ on-site photographer IM Eric Rosen sent in photos and video of the critical final round match between Thangavel/Wan and the Kalghatgi Brothers (Akhil and Nikhil). Both teams are well-known in the Midwest for their bughouse prowess, so their battle was certainly not to be missed!

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Top Five "Buggers," in tiebreak order: 1. Thangavel / Wan, 11/12 2. Balaraman / Anwar, 10/12 3. Daniels / Turgut, 10/12 4. Kalghatgi / Kalghatgi, 9/12 4. Dalhouse / Chen, 9/12 Check back with CLO and US Chess social media over the weekend to keep up on all the latest news from Schaumberg. Instagram: Twitter: Use the hashtag #HSChessChamps for your posts and tweets!
