International Youth Event FAQ

How do I register?

Registration details are submitted directly to US Chess, who will then generate an invoice based on your information. Once the invoice has been paid in full, your registration is complete.

What happens if I miss a deadline?

Unfortunately, we cannot accept late registrations. Due to the international nature of the events, deadlines are set to ensure that we meet all applicable requirements set by the tournament organizer and our staff has adequate time to register our delegation. Even if the organizer says they will still accept registrations, once the US Chess deadline has passed, we will not register any further players under any circumstances.

Am I required to stay at the official hotel?

While all events differ, you are usually required to stay at one of the official hotels of the event. This includes room and board for the duration of your stay. US Chess will accept your accommodation reservation and finalize it with the organizers.

What room size is best for me?

Typically, most families select a double room. Families traveling with additional persons may request a larger room, or more than one room.

What is included in “Room and Board” from the organizers?

Room and Board typically includes three meals per day, along with your hotel room for the duration of the stay. Most organizers offer vegetarian and/or vegan options as needed.

How can I receive an invitation for support obtaining a visa?

US Chess can provide you with a letter of invitation to represent the federation at the event but letters of invitation from the organizing committee must be requested directly from the organizing committee. Additional visa information can be found here and here.

Once I have submitted registration details, what is next?

After you have registered and paid, you will need to reserve a flight and submit your travel information to US Chess and/or the organizers. This includes a photo of your passport, flight arrival and departure details, as well as any special requests.

What financial assistance, if any, is offered?

Official representatives and Personal Rights players receive financial assistance from US Chess. Additionally, some assistance is offered to players who qualify under special circumstances. See the Scholastic National Invitational Event and Award Requirements for details.

Who are the coaches?

The coaching list for a given event will be finalized after the registration deadline and will be published to the attendees at that time. All coaches have been vetted by US Chess and are qualified, titled master players with experience coaching at the highest levels.

Are there uniforms? If so, how do I obtain one?

Uniforms are included when sponsorship is available. Uniform details, if available, will be provided after the initial registration deadline.

What is the Administrative Fee? Who has to pay it?

All players who do not qualify as Official Representative, Personal Right, or special qualifier based on the international youth requirements set forth by the Scholastic Committee are required to pay a US Chess administrative fee, currently set at $400.00.

US Chess Contact: Brian Yang, FIDE Events Manager – fide
